Endemic Botanic Gardens Are Flourishing

The Grampians/Gariwerd Endemic Botanic Gardens are something that you really should come and see; small shrubs and plants are taking shape for the beginning of this new and exciting regional botanic gardens.

At present you will notice a number of gaps in the garden, however these gaps are important to allow the plants to grow and get their roots into the soil.   Ideally, the establishment period will take 5-6 years to create a strong framework of trees and shrubs.  In the meantime, the open and exposed conditions created a spring-summer floral display that was surprisingly colourful and beautiful for such a young garden.

As the soil began to warm and with consistent rainfall, we had a plethora of weeds that were quickly establishing.   A couple of working bees and a dedicated group of volunteers were able to control the majority of these invaders.   Many thanks to the people who rallied to help during the last few months of 2022.   Your help was truly appreciated.



Yatra: Fragments of a Life

Yatra: Fragments of a Life is a retrospective of Lariane M Fonseca’s creative practice over 50 years.   The exhibition will include Photographs, Paintings, Printmaking

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Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens Day

WAMA opened their garden gates for Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand’s (BGANZ) Botanic Gardens Day celebration on Sunday May 26th.  The event attracted an

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Common Long necked turtle

Fauna Gates assisting turtle migration

Fauna gates have been installed to help small animals such as the Common Long Neck Turtle (Chelodina longicollis) move freely from either side of the fence, helping the site’s ecosystem continue to thrive.

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