Endangered – Koala

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Endangered – Koala



Polychromos Pencil
70cm h x 54cm w framed

In creating my Endangered series, I aim to focus awareness on the natural world in crisis. Despite being such an iconic emblem for Australia, the koala is now listed as Endangered.

Through habitat fragmentation and destruction, road mortality and attacks by introduced dogs, we have over the years slowly reduced their numbers. Add to that the koala retrovirus, chlamydia and fires that decimated the remaining population, and we now face losing this animal in the wild.

This piece is a statement highlighting the uniqueness of what could be lost, the koalas stark against the black of oblivion.

I feel compelled to depict these animals that we in our negligence pushed to the knife’s edge of survival. It is our fault they are in dire straits, and it is only through our efforts that they can be saved and perhaps restored.

For more information on this artwork email art@wama.net.au

Price: $1550
20% commission of artworks goes to the WAMA Foundation.

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