And No-one Noticed

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And No-one Noticed



84cm h x 98cm w framed

When the 2019 bushfires raged through our bushland and natural world in East Gippsland I was horrified by the destruction. I was even more shocked by the declaration that millions of creatures had perished.

It is eerie to walk through a landscape where there are no bird calls or bush noise.

This was a dramatic event that impacted an ecology abruptly and fiercely partly due to climate change. But there has also been a slower devastation in our area since non-indigenous people have arrived.

We have lost and are on the precipice of losing many living things – plants, animals, ecosystems, over a very short time frame.

‘And No-one Noticed’ shows just a few plants and animals that we have lost and are losing in our regional area. Multiply that by all the different regions in Australia, then all the countries around the world.

People forget so quickly.

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Price: $4900
20% commission of artworks goes to the WAMA Foundation.

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