Artwork Entries

Yuraygir goanna II

This is one of several lace monitors, or tree goannas, that I have encountered at Minnie Water in the Yuraygir National Park in New South

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Wattle and she-oak

‘When Gina Kalabishis goes walking in the bush, occasionally she encounters a “space of awe” that literally stops her in her tracks. Most of us

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Waratah and Wattlebird

In an uncertain world haunted by ever developing pressures, I feel compelled to draw and document the creatures of our natural world, while they are

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Walking Lines II

This work is a response to walking for ten days through the ancient Finke Gorge, on Western Arrernte country (NT), in 2021. The group meditation

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‘Tidelines’ is constructed wholly from seaweed paper. It was inspired by my love of the sea and my long beach walks collecting seaweed from the

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The Whisperer

The Whisperer explores an ongoing interest into cultural experiences and connections between time, migration and the living environment. From a young age, living in Chile

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My work entails building up layer upon layer of various materials upon a substrate of heavily textured large format rag paper. Onto this surface I

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Soft Speargrass

Conservation of remnant native bushland and revegetation of disturbed areas is high on the agenda of an increasing number of concerned citizens. This has driven

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A pastel portrait of Ruby, a Female Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii naso), known to the Noongar people as ‘karrak’. The portrait highlights the

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Resonance is a reflection between different species of native Australian birds through sounds and frequencies emitted to communicate in an environment colonized by humans, living

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While making ‘Pulsating,’ I was exploring the rock formations on the surf Coast of Victoria and was particularly intrigued by the sea anemones that fill

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Patterdale 1834

“Patterdale” is inspired by John Glover’s 1834 Watercolour pastoral depiction of Van Diemen’s land. A painting I find is divided historically and culturally. Every landscape

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Passing By Spring

As I walk through the bush, I see only a sad battle of native vs invasive. As gorse bush wreaks havoc as far as the

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Paperbark Diptych No 1

This work, which was created with digitally manipulated composites of my burnt timber paintings and photographs of the burnt leaves I collected on the Far

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